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Ask A Runner: Harvey Hahn

Board member and frequent contributor Dr. Harvey Hahn was recently featured on Runner’s World for his incredible story of transformation, from sick and overweight to running marathons. Life & Health Network interviewed Dr. Hahn…

Stand Up for Good Health
Stand Up For Good Health

For those of you keeping up with the news, you may have noticed some recent articles about sitting. Experts have been talking more and more about the subject. Some of you may…

Popular Recipes

Lemony Avocado Dip

If you love avocado, making it into a dressing is a great way to try it. This dressing is especially good when it’s massaged into curly kale.

Gravy on Toast

Think: biscuits & gravy. Then, think: gravy on toast? That’s much healthier. I think I’ll go with that instead! Trust me, you won’t miss the biscuit with a good slice of artisan bread and this thick, savory nut gravy. It’s the kind of breakfast that will warm you up on the chilliest of winter mornings.

Lemon-Ginger Dressing

Thanks to my mom, I was introduced to this oil-free dressing that manages to maintain all of the brightness and acidity that I love in a dressing.

Crockpot Roasted Vegetables

Crockpots are wonderful. I used to think they were only good for chills and roasts, but roasted veggies? Beautiful revelation.

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