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You need to watch this series if you…
- Are struggling with high blood sugars
- Have a history of diabetes or prediabetes in your family
- Have any other metabolic conditions, such as heart disease, obesity, hypertension, cirrhosis, or cancer
- Feel overwhelmed by the mixed messages surrounding health
- Are motivated to get your health back on track
…because you’ll learn…
- How to make sense of the confusion surrounding diabetes
- The diabetes-fitness connection, and how to gear your exercise regimen to fight diabetes
- The diabetes-food connection, and how you can optimize your meals to prevent damage and reverse insulin resistance
- The diabetes-mind connection, and how your health involves more than just what you eat and do
To get exclusive FREE access for 24+ hours, sign up today!
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What Viewers Are Saying
“I was diagnosed with diabetes 12 years ago and the highlight of this program was how it enveloped my lifestyle and changed my habits.” –C.E.
“I reduced my A1C from 9.5% to 5.8%! I reversed my diabetes and no longer need insulin and most of my other medications.” –K.F.
“I reduced my A1C from 13.8% to 5.8% in three months! By the time my A1C reached 5.8%, I had lost 20 pounds but by now I’ve lost over 56 pounds!” –C.J.
“Since mid-February 2017, I haven’t had a need for Metformin or any diabetes medication! My last A1C was at 6.1%!” –J.T.
“6 months after starting the program, I was declared non-diabetic. I reversed it! It’s been one and a half years and I’m still not diabetic or prediabetic.” –T. Z.
“I’m a truck driver and would have lost my job if I had to continue taking insulin and if my blood sugars stayed high. But I reduced my A1C from 12.6% to 6.5% and was able to keep my job!” –T.G.
Learn From Our Experts

Wes Youngberg, DrPH, MPH, CNS, FACLM
Dr. Wes Youngberg is a practicing clinical nutritionist and lifestyle medicine specialist with more than 30 years of experience in diabetes reversal. He spent 14 years in Guam, researching the diabetes epidemic in the Micronesian islands and providing screenings, public health education, and training for diabetes prevention and care. In 2007, he was awarded the Ancient Order of the Chamorri—the highest honor given by the governor of Guam for extraordinary contributions to the island community. Now, Dr. Youngberg is on the clinical faculty of Loma Linda University and serves as assistant clinical professor for both the Department of Preventive Medicine at the School of Medicine and the Department of Health Promotion at the School of Public Health. Dr. Youngberg is a board Certified Nutrition Specialist and is a founding director and fellow of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine.

Brenda Davis, RD
Brenda Davis is a leader in the movement to a plant-based diet, a best-selling author and co-author of 9 best-selling books, and an internationally acclaimed speaker. She has worked as a public health nutritionist, clinical nutrition specialist, nutrition consultant and academic nutrition instructor. Brenda was the lead dietitian in a remarkable diabetes research project in Majuro, Marshall Islands, where rates of diabetes were among the highest in the world. As a result of the study, many participants reversed their diabetes and are now champions of change in their communities. Today, Brenda is a featured speaker at nutrition, medical and health conferences throughout the world. She has authored and co-authored several articles for peer-reviewed medical and nutrition journals and magazines. In 2007, she was inducted into the Vegetarian Hall of Fame.
Trusted and Effective
“Two of the world’s top nutrition educators, Wes Youngberg, DrPH and Brenda Davis, RD, present a simple-to-understand lifestyle program for type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Undone is a valuable teaching tool for modern professionals who understand ‘less is more’ when the patients’ welfare is the primary concern.”

John McDougall, MD
Internist & Author, Founder, McDougall Program, Contributor to Forks Over Knives
“Through the years, I’ve referred some of my most perplexing patients to Dr. Youngberg. I’ve read and enthusiastically recommended his groundbreaking book Goodbye Diabetes to countless colleagues and clients. Now, I’m thrilled to see Dr. Youngberg’s expertise available through Diabetes Undone.With excellent video and graphics, it’s almost as good as meeting Dr. Youngberg in person! I’m eager to recommend Diabetes Undone to patients, family, and friends.”

Ernie Medina, DrPH, CHFS
Executive Director, Loma Linda University Center for Nutrition, Healthy Lifestyle, and Disease Prevention