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Brenda Davis, RD

Best-selling author and internationally acclaimed speaker, Brenda Davis has worked as a public health nutritionist, clinical nutrition specialist, nutrition consultant, and academic nutrition instructor. She is a featured speaker at nutrition, medical and health conferences throughout the world. In 200, she was inducted into the Vegetarian Hall of Fame.

Is Soy Safe?

In my opinion, soy is not only safe but potentially beneficial. Soy has a long history of use in Asia, and within vegetarian populations throughout the world. Two of the healthiest, long-lived…

Coconut Oil: Is It Good Or Bad?

Ein weiterer Vorteil des Online Casinos ist, dass Sie hier völlig anonym spielen können. Vielen ist nämlich der Besuch in einer Spielbank unangenehm. Durch einen frei wählbaren Benutzernamen bleibt auch Ihre Identität…

The Ethical Universe: Where Are We Really At?

This was a short speech given at NAVS Summerfest in 2003.  Several people have requested copies, hence the old post. Have you ever considered what a perfectly ethical universe might look like? …

If The Marshall Islands Can Reverse Diabetes, You Can, Too

“The diabetes time bomb has been ticking for 50 years, and it’s been getting louder. Despite the warning, successive generations of world leaders have largely ignored the threat.” – International Diabetes Federation…

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