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Evelyn Kissinger, MS, RD

Evelyn is a registered dietitian and wellness expert. She studied dietetics at the University of Tennessee and earned a masters degree in business from Andrews University. She speaks and teaches worldwide, and has been developing and implementing wellness programs, books, and teaching materials for over 30 years. Evelyn is the Nutrition Director for Lifestyle Matters. She is also the Director of Lifestyle Matters at Work that delivers corporate wellness programs. She is a co-author of: Simple Solutions, Foods for Thought, and Living Free: Finding Freedom from Habits that Hurt and the author of Change Your Body One Bite at a Time. Evelyn lives in St. Joseph, MI with her husband, Peter.

5 Things Your Body and Brain Need

5 Things Your Body and Brain Need

Simple choices go a long way to help boost your brainpower, your immune system, and  your energy. Discover five healthy habits to help you live life to the fullest. A 10 Minute…

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