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Sarah Yoo

Sarah Yoo is the associate director of Life & Health but wears a few dozen hats as other this-and-thats, as is the norm in non-profit work. Her favorite part about working at Life & Health is meeting the people that Life & Health content has helped. Ultimately, Sarah dreams of doing humanitarian work in a developing country with her family.

You’ll Feel Better Without Clutter

Browsing Pinterest, I find myself absentmindedly pinning photos of neat, minimalist rooms, filled with just enough, and no more. Orderly shelves, neat cabinets, bare countertops, organized closets . . . something about…

8 Ways To Reduce Your Risk Of Alzheimer’s

Most people haven’t heard of “type 3 diabetes”. But they probably know the condition by its more common name: Alzheimer’s Disease. Alzheimer’s isn’t a normal part of aging. It causes symptoms such as…

How To Improve Your E.Q.

by Neil Nedley, M.D. There is a popular website ad featuring two teenagers from the 70s flanked by the caption, “She married him? And they have seven kids?” The ad highlights a…

5 Ways To Retrain Your Tastebuds

1.  Try, Try again Our taste buds change over time, Lynn Rossy, Ph.D., a health psychologist and author of The Mindfulness-Based Eating Solution, says. The things you despised before may be no big…

10 Tips For Writing The Perfect Thank-you Note

1. Focus on the other person. Where are they living? What did they go through to give you this gift? When is the last time you did something like that for them?…

Two Words That Can Change Your Life

When his life hit rock bottom, John Kralik took on an unlikely and unintuitive project: writing thank-you notes day after day. Carol Hefernan shares the miraculous results of John’s year-long mission –…

Why Go Plant-Based? The Reasons Are Interconnected

You may have noticed that, in the past couple decades or so, vegetarianism and particularly the plant-based diet have become somewhat “cool.” Nowadays, there tend to be more plant-based options on restaurant…

Weekly Roundup: Food For A Happier 4th of July

There’s an aspect of the holidays that makes me…sad. I mean, I’m all about the big family get-togethers, the extra chairs pulled up to the dining table, the reasons to turn lunch…

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