Nut consumption has been a bit of a contentious subject over the last few years. While no one doubts that nuts are nutritious, many shy away from them due to their high calorie content. This is especially true among dieters or people watching their weight. Nutritionally, nuts are mostly fat… so it sort of makes sense to assume that they should be avoided. However, there seems to be something different about the fats in nuts. In fact, many studies have clearly demonstrated that nuts benefit and protect your heart. There are not many other fatty foods that do that. Whats the real story behind nuts?
We recently had the privilege of attending the 6th International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition (ICVN) at Loma Linda University. Sujatha Rajaram Ph.D, an associate professor at the Loma Linda School of Public Health, gave a lecture on nuts. The next day, we caught up with her and she was gracious enough to answer a few questions for us.
So here they are, answers to common questions about nuts and nutrition (click the links to see the videos):
What are the health benefits of eating nuts?
Will eating nuts cause weight gain?
What types of nuts are the healthiest?
Recently there has been some concern about molds or toxins in peanuts, are peanuts a healthy choice?
What are the benefits of using whole nuts vs. nut oils?
Is it healthy to eat nuts everyday?
We hope that cleared some things up. So enjoy some happy, healthy, delicious nuts with your next meal!
Go Nuts!