Popular Holiday Spices Reduce Cancerous TumorsTwo popular holiday spices appear to be excellent at reducing the size of cancerous tumors.…
Canola Oil as Good as Statins For Lowering CholesterolCanadian scientists in 2014 found consuming canola oil was equivalent to taking 20mg of statins…
How Charcoal Became America’s Best Kept Health SecretGrowing up in Canada, my mother used activated charcoal as a remedy for all kinds…
The Right Way To Use Charcoal ToothpasteWhitening your teeth with activated charcoal has become really popular lately. There are lots of…
Diet Secrets of the GladiatorsImagine a group of gladiators eating dinner. What do you see? Your brain probably conjures…
Secret Remedy For Diarrhea and Upset StomachA recent study found that activated charcoal is an effective remedy to be used for…
The Truth About Bone BrothThe belief that broth is a healing agent for various maladies has persisted for centuries.…
No More “Managing” Or “Controlling” – Type 2 Diabetes Can Be Reversed (Disclaimer: The claims made in this article are backed by many recent, peer-reviewed, scientific studies.…